
Community Engagement

with our local communities
From stimulating the economy to protecting the area's natural resources, we believe that good community relations are as necessary for our business success as the effective engagement of our operations.
We engage openly and transparently with our local
communities and stakeholders and offer support by developing meaningful relationships with local organizations and residents.
Our ultimate goal is to strengthen the communities we work and live. Upon the conclusion of Eagle, it won't matter how much ore we hauled or processed – what matters is that we leave the Upper Peninsula of Michigan in a better social and economic state than when we started.
Have a community concern?
Leave a message on our Community Hotline at (906) 339-7150 Or click here to provide feedback online.

Community Donations
& Sponsorships
We actively participate with local organizations and support projects that promote long-term mutual benefits to the communities where we work. Focus areas include human development, public education, the environment, and arts and culture. When selecting projects, we give preference to organizations working towards solutions that will benefit the community.
To request corporate funds from Eagle, please read our Community Assistance Guidelines and submit an Online Contribution Request Form. For more information, please reach out to us at info-eagle@lundinmining.com.

Community Forums
At Eagle Mine, we want to build community trust and confidence in our ability to operate and close a world-class mine in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Our spring and fall community forums are an engaging and conversational get-together.
We provide a quick update on our operations, introduce attendees to some of our team members and find out what's on everyone's mind. Most importantly, our forums are designed as a two-way dialog between Eagle and the community. We encourage anyone to come and ask questions about our operations and activities. We look forward to feedback that continuously improves our operations with this open and honest approach.